A Hasty Exit


“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out so that you can endure.”  — 1 Corinthians 10:13


Thomas Edison did not like to attend formal dinners. While attending one that was particularly boring to him, he decided to slip away. As he approached the door, his host noticed him and exclaimed, “It’s a delight to see you Mr. Edison. What are you working on now?” “My exit!” came the quick reply.

There are times when we run from something and are considered cowardly. However, there is wisdom in the person who realizes the importance of physically removing him or herself from temptation.

The temptation to sin is Satan’s main activity in our lives. He takes great pleasure in challenging our selfishness and fleshly appetites. Satan’s game-plan is to steal our joy, to kill our vitality and to destroy our testimony and lives (John 10:10). His tools are deception, discouragement and despair. He is a real enemy.

The good news is that we do not have to face temptation alone. There is help for us. Hebrews 2:18 says, “Because He himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.” He will show us a way out – an escape route to safety.

Our faith and commitment to God will be tested frequently and fiercely. When we are faced with the terror of temptation, we need to turn to God in prayer immediately and not let the temptation intensify. We must ask God to take the temptation from us before it becomes too strong and the struggle too intense.

In addition to prayer, we must immerse ourselves in the Word of God. David wrote, “How can a young person stay pure? By obeying Your word…I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You (Psalm 119:9, 11).” The Word of God makes the way of escape clear, “Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path (Psalm 119:105).”

God will give us the strength to overcome the temptations that come into our lives but we must look to Him for the escape.

The picture that I get for most Christians today is this: think about a movie theater. There are two groups of people there. There is a line of people waiting to get in and a crowd trying to find the way out. When it comes to temptation, which group are you in? Many “church folks” today are more than willing to pay a price to experience the latest temptation. The victorious Christian is looking for the exit sign. I’m on my way out, how about you?

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